Teaching Spanish as Foreign Language

Teaching: Long proven international and local expertise in teaching Spanish or English.

Experience teaching Spanish as a foreign language at universities, corporations and community educational settings. I created and developed a Medical Spanish program directed to medical personnel, which I taught for 21 years at New York University. I also have extended expertise teaching native language literacy skills to adults, and children. I work with and tutor second language writers in Spanish or English.

Developed novel programs in foreign language education at New York University, including Medical Spanish for Healthcare Providers and NYU's Quechua Language Program and for P.N. Kertas Letjes in Java Timur, Indonesia where I lived for one full year in 1983. I lived in Probolinggo, a small town near Surabaya, teaching Spanish and English. In all of my experience planning, or teaching a particular language as a Foreign Language, I have included media, audio and performance as much as possible. I have extensive experience in areas of: Teaching and learning, methodology application, strategies that emphasize creative use of digital technologies. Electronic publication.

Academic courses taught, have included teaching undergraduate level courses on topics such as Bilingualism with a Global Perspective, Introduction to Bilingualism, Native Language Arts, Bilingualism & Bilingual Education.

Spanish for Health Care